The Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Amendment Act, 2013 (the 'Amendment Act') was gazetted earlier this year on 27 January 2014 (Gazette 37271). This followed a year long public commentary process where interested parties were also encouraged to make submissions to the parliamentary portfolio committee on transformation.

The Amendment Act is an amendment to the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act 53 of 2003, which came into existence on 1 January 2004. Act 53 of 2007 was an enabling framework which gave wide powers and authority to the Minister of Trade and Industry to issue Codes of Good Practice, which currently contain the scorecards and calculation methodology companies use in order to measure their B-BBEE status. The Amendment Act must therefore not be confused with Revised Codes of Good Practice that were also gazetted recently on 11 October 2013.

Over the next 3 weeks we will highlight some of the most important amendments contained in the Amendment Act.

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The Revised Codes were launched on Friday.  The most important facts to be aware of for the moment are the following:

BEE Amendment Act signed into power by the President and gazetted on 27 January 2014


AQRate Revised BEE Forestry Codes

We are proud to announce that AQRate has in Joint Venture with Foresight Strategies been awarded the tender for the management of the alignment process of the Forestry Sector Code with the Revised Codes of Good 

Practice.  As part of the tender AQRate is tasked with drafting the final revised Forestry Sector Code.  This further entrenches AQRate's role as a thought and academic leader within the Broad-Based BEE industry.

hrsmartIn our continued pursuit of excellence and quest to remain the market leader in terms of service, quality and innovation, AQrate is proud to announce our latest offering.

In conjunction with an international leader of talent management solutions, AQrate can now introduce an online applicant system which will allow jobseekers interested in joining the AQRate team to view vacancies and upload their resumes electronically. The application process has been tailor-made to allow jobseekers to effortlessly search for vacancies/jobs or even just to load their CV on the database for potential future applications. The entire recruitment process is automated from start to finish. This in turn allows for rapid feedback and real time updates on whether an applicant has been successful or if the vacancy has already been filled.

Our philosophy of acknowledging the importance of high level skills to a credible verification audit; coupled with this new recruitment drive for talent will ensure we provide you with top a level of service delivered by quality and professional staff.

Click Here to go to the system.

We are proud to announce that AQrate KZN has been awarded the Alec Rogoff BEE Qualifying Small Enterprise award for 2014 by the Chamber of Commerce & Industries at the annual Chamber Awards Ceremony – proving that we not only have the “know-how” of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment, but also the “show-how”!

AQRate KZN is proud to have been awarded the Alec Rogoff BEE Qualifying Small Enterprise Award by the Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industries

2014 is our 10th Anniversary in the Verification Industry. Thank you to you our valued clients and important stakeholders and peers in the industry – without you it would not be possible to have achieved the reputation of one of South Africa’s leading Verification Agencies.

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AQRate KZN was once again awarding the Alec Roggof Award for black economic empowerment in business for in the Qualifying Small Enterprise category. See the full article from The Mercury below:


What an AQRate team!

AQRate Verification Services are extremely proud that as per the announcement in Business Day Live on Wednesday the 10th June 2015 , the first three sector codes which are ready for gazetting are the ones which the team from AQRate Verification Services assisted the Sector Charter Councils with. We are extremely proud of this achievement and know that our input into these Sector Codes will be of great value to our clients in these sectors.

Trade and Industry acting chief director Takalani Tambani said the focus in the months ahead would be on the alignment of sector charters with new codes of good practice. The deadline for alignment was end-October, with three sectors — tourism, property and forestry — having been finalised so far.

extract from the BDLive: Click here for the full article

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